
Ignite Resources

These resources are available for you to download.

The resources shown here were used by the Ignite team as prompts for running sessions - we call them ‘running orders.’ Because they were written for people who understood how Ignite works there is some assumed knowledge within them! So, if you are new to Ignite, firstly welcome! Secondly, this information will help you:

  • The room is set up around coffee tables with welcome snacks on each table.
  • People are welcomed at the door, given name labels, and their name and contact details are entered onto a register (ensuring data compliance).
  • Prayer cards (we use luggage labels) are on the coffee tables with pens. We pre-write on one side of the label ‘please pray for…’ and we provide somewhere for these to be taken to (a prayer tree or a cross).
  • Food is always available at Ignite. Some weeks are just light snacks, and some are full meals. Light snacks are served on arrival with tea, coffee etc. and the running orders allocate 30 minutes for this. Meal nights require a full hour before the opening game.
  • Background music is playing on arrival and is also quietly played during discussion times.
  • You will see ‘Boffins’ on some running orders. This refers to people drawn from your team who are willing to answer questions - it’s an ‘ask the experts slot!’
  • You will see that the ‘running orders’ have different colours on them, This is to make it easy to see their content. Black is people listening, blue is multi-media and red is interactive so if you feel that you need a session which is very interactive look for lots of red!

The sessions have been broken down into rough topics.

If you would like help or have any questions about using these resources, contact Debbie Ellisdon, Ignite Project Lead

Ice breaker powerpoints, game show examples and session topics

Ice Breaker PowerPoints

Having discussion points on the screen as people arrive can help people who find small talk difficult.


Game show examples

In Ignite we use a ‘secular’ game at the start of the sessions, this works well as they are familiar to people and help with the process of transition. Here are some examples of game shows that we have used that may help to get you started.


Explaining Lent

A single session that explains Lent and introduces the idea of making an Ignite paper chain of prayers during Lent. During your Easter sessions prayer labels can be replaced with paper chains. You will end up with a very long prayer chain. People from Ignite could be invited to bring this up to the alter at the Easter Sunday service.


Christmas series

Two teaching series, each consisting of three sessions that could be used in the three weeks prior to Christmas. Start these four weeks before you break for Christmas and then you can end the year with a Christmas party!


Book of James

A series of three sessions looking at how faith produces perseverance, wisdom (making wise decisions) and considering how we can ask God for help.


Dummies Guide For Surviving Life!

This series of six sessions looks at self-image, patience, choices, priorities, mood management and ‘pearls of wisdom’. It was written to help people look at who they are and how they operate in God.



Three different Easter series, the first one looking at what happened to Jesus at Easter, covering his betrayal, crucifixion, and resurrection. The second Easter sessions look at the events of Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, and the crucifixion. The third focusses on the experiences of other people, looking at Pontious Pilate, the centurion and Mary Magdalene. It is always difficult to know when to run the ‘Jesus is risen’ session in Ignite, we tend to do it before we break for Easter then on the first week back do a session that includes an Easter re-cap and a celebration party.


Famous people

Three sessions looking at how three people’s lives were impacted by their faith: Bear Grylls, Desmond Doss and Eric Liddell.


Follow Me

A three session series that looks at Jesus’ invitation to follow Him, His provision to us in sending the Holy Spirit and the comfort that He will be coming back.


Gospel of John

A series of eight sessions based on John’s Gospel.


Jesus is the way, the truth, the life

Three sessions unpacking John 14 v.6.



Four sessions, each looking at topics drawn from the four chapters that make up the book of Ruth. Loyalty, generosity, Integrity and God’s plan and purpose for our lives.


Who is Jesus?

A series of six sessions looking at myths about Jesus.


The Trinity

Starting with an introductory session that explores the concept of 3 in 1, this series looks at how we understand God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


The I Am sayings of Jesus

Three sessions looking at some of the I am statements of Jesus. I Am the Good Shepherd, I Am The Light of The World and I Am The Vine.


The Family - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph

Looking at our early church ‘family, a series of four sessions. Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Joseph.


Some Psalms

A series of seven sessions looking at elements of the Psalms.


Some Beatitudes

Four sessions looking at The Sermon on the Mount.


Remembrance Day

A stand-alone session that can be used for Remembrance Day, includes craft activity and a simple act of remembrance.


New Year Series - Stop, Start, Change

A series of three sessions making links to New Year Resolutions. These sessions help us to consider what we may want God to change in us, ways we may go about starting new things and what behaviours we would like Jesus to help us to stop.


New Testament Characters

Four sessions, looking at the experiences of less well explored characters from the New Testament, doubting Thomas, Nicodemus, the Ethiopian Official and Zacchaeus.


Modern Proverbs

Two session. The first looks at ‘being a glass half full/empty person’ and how regardless of we feel about ourselves we are valuable, approved of and cherished by God. The second session looks at the thought that ‘the grass is greener on the other side’ and in consideration with Jeremiah 29:11 considers the plans God has for us.


Living well in difficult times

Two session both looking at how we can live well in difficult times. The sessions draw on examples of Christians who in the toughest of circumstances have used God being with them to live well in circumstances in which others may not have done so well.


Living like Jesus

The sessions (5) from this series are all adapted from chapters out of the book ‘Living like Jesus’, by Tim Mayfield. Printed by the Bible Reading Fellowship, 1993, ISBN 0 7324 0660 9.


Big Questions

A series of 5 sessions starting with an introductory session before looking at big questions about faith. These include - Does God exist? What will heaven be like? What about forgiveness and Is Jesus The Way, The Truth and The Life?

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