
Repairs and Maintenance

Clergy homes are both a place of rest and a place of work - and the care and maintenance of the property is a shared responsibility between celrgy and the Diocese. Below is a guide on what Property Services will provide and where your assistance would be appreciated:

Property Services Helpdesk: 01227 459401

Decorations & Services Areas

Property services are responsible for the maintenance of the “service areas” of your homes - which include fixtures and fitting in the kitchen, utility room, bathroom(s) and WCs, together with decorations to these and circulation areas. Any problems with any of the above should be reported to the Property Services Helpdesk in the first instance. 

Where you can help

Your assistance with keeping your house in a good decorative state generally is appreciated, and the cost of any materials used will be refunded on request. It is worth bearing in mind that your successor may not share your taste - so we would discourage the use of “bold” colour schemes, please.

Doors & Windows

A check of all windows and external doors is carried out as part of the Quinquennial inspection, and any recorded defects and/or redecorations carried out subsequently. Any problems such as failing locks, sticking doors or “misty” double-glazed units should be reported to the helpdesk in the first instance.

Where you can help

Please ensure that ironmongery and locks are in good working order and the “trickle vents” are kept open at all times to reduce the chances of condensation.


Property services will organise the testing of the electrical systems by a suitably qualified contractor and the undertaking of any remedial works required, as part of the Quinquennial Inspection. Any discovered defects such as non-working socket or loose switches/covers etc. outside of this inspection, should be reported to the helpdesk immediately. Should you need any improvement works such as additional sockets, please contact property services to discuss.

Where you can help

For your own safety please do not attempt to carry out and alterations to the existing electrical installations – new electrical regulations are now in place, which prohibit the carrying out of such additions or alterations by anyone other than a qualified contractor.

External Areas & Trees

Property services will usually only pay for tree surgery in urgent cases where there is a serious risk to either people or property. Should you have any concerns of this type, please contact property services in the first instance.

Where you can help

Your co-operation with keeping the external areas of the house under control is appreciated – under normal circumstances the budget is unable to meet the cost of garden maintenance but we are aware the parishes generally will organise assistance with the maintenance of larger gardens which is commended. Please also ensure that soil levels do not bridge the damp courses of the buildings and that wall-climbing plants (ivy in particular) are kept in check, as these can contribute to structural failure.


A check of all boundary fences and walls is carried out as part of the Quinquennial inspection, and any recorded defects attended to subsequently. Should any upgrading to boundary fences to provide security for animals is needed, then this is considered to be the responsibility of the occupant.

Where you can help

Your assistance with keeping boundary fences in good repair is appreciated – any resultant damage from storms etc. should be notified to property services in the first instance so that suitable repairs or replacements can be organised.

Heating & Hot Water Systems

Property services organises annual gas safety checks and also annual services of both gas and oil boilers, by a suitably qualified contractor – any necessary remedial works will be undertaken at the time of the inspection (if convenient) or subsequently by arrangement. Problems with the heating system - such as a failing boiler, leaking pipework or issues with controls should be reported to the helpdesk in the first instance. In an emergency please use the services of a local emergency contractor, and forward the consequent invoice(s) to property services in the new year, for either payment or reimbursement as appropriate.

Where you can help

Please aim to keep your home evenly heated and resist the temptation to heat only those rooms you regularly occupy as this can lead to condensation. Any room containing a gas appliance must have permanent ventilation equivalent to two 225x225mm air bricks which must not be sealed or closed.

Plumbing & Drainage

All leaks and failures of taps, showers and drainage etc. should be reported to the helpdesk in the first instance. in an emergency please use the services of a local emergency contractor, and forward the consequent invoice(s) to property services in the new year, for either payment or reimbursement as appropriate.

Where you can help

In the Autumn, please check that stopcocks are in working order and that no overflows are dripping. It would be as well to check (if possible) that tank and pipe insulation is correctly positioned and report any missing items to the helpdesk.

Roofs & Rainwater Goods

A check of all roof coverings and rainwater goods is carried out as part of the Quinquennial inspection, and any recorded defects attended to subsequently. Any slipped tiles, leaks or overflowing gutters etc, should be reported to the helpdesk in the first instance.

Where you can help

Gutters should ideally be cleared out annually by a local tradesperson. Please do not attempt to do this yourself. The resultant bill should then be sent to property services for payment. It would also be helpful if you could occasionally check for leaks or blocked gullies – unfortunately this is best done when standing outside in the heavy rain!


Property services will cover the cost of upgrading locks to front doors, rear doors and windows to ensure compliance with insurance company standards. With respect to intruder alarms, the cost of supply and installing these is generally the responsibility of the PCC, although property services will contribute up to 50% of the cost. We will also cover the costs of the annual maintenance and servicing of intruder alarms.

Where you can help

You are responsible for the security of your house and your attention to this would be appreciated. Please contact property services if you have any concerns with any aspect of the security.

Page last updated: Tuesday 2nd April 2024 3:48 PM
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