

This is designed to be run over two sessions of 90 minutes, one or two weeks apart. There is written work to complete and submit before and after the course. Most of our sessions are delivered over Zoom, however we do also have some face-to-face sessions.

This training is completed via a learning management system called Moodle where workbooks, coursework, Zoom links, case study and certificates are accessed. 

  1. Go to the 
  2. Register or login on the portal if you have not already done so (if you have already completed Basic and Foundation training, you will already have an account on the Portal). You will need your previous username and password. DO NOT RE-REGISTER WITH A NEW EMAIL ADDRESS, AS THE ACCOUNTS WILL NOT BE LINKED AND YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO ACCESS PREVIOUS TRAINING DETAILS.
  3. Click on ‘online courses’ where you will see the 'All Courses' screen
  4. Click on the Courses tab/Core Pathways/Leadership to reach 'Canterbury' 
  5. Click on ‘enrol me’, then we will email you as soon as possible to confirm your enrolment. (You may see a statement reminding you that applications for a diocese other than your own will be refused, this does not mean you are not recognised, as a member of this diocese, it is just a reminder for everyone.
  6. Click on ‘Preparing to Learn’
  7. Choose your preferred style of delivery (please note that only a few face-to-face sessions are available each year, for those who are unable to access the online sessions; wherever possible, please choose Zoom)
  8. Click on ‘choose a learning group’ – choose a date that suits your diary, make a note of the 2 dates and time (via Zoom only)
  9. Click on ‘Preparation Task’
  10. Complete the written and reading tasks listed on this page. Once you have completed all of the sections, use the button 'submit' to finish this section, you will not be able to join the first Zoom session until this is done
  11. Join the first Zoom Groupwork session on the date you have chosen using the button with the Zoom link shown on the portal
  12. Between the first and second sessions, complete the coursework task via the portal and complete the questions, use the 'submit' button to complete this section, you need to do this via the portal in order to join Zoom session 2
  13. Join the second Zoom Groupwork session for the 2nd session of your module 
  14. Complete the final evaluation and 'submit assignment' 
  15. You will receive an email to say that your certificate is available in your profile once the Tutor has marked all parts of your participation as complete.

Leadership courses

Dates of forthcoming Leadership Pathway courses are available on the calendar on this website. Courses on the portal are hidden if they are full. The NST are very strict about numbers, so we are not allowed to add people to courses that are already full. We do have people cancel places, so it is worth checking regularly in case a space becomes available.

The course takes about 3 months from start to finish, so please give yourself plenty of time to renew.



Page last updated: Friday 10th January 2025 1:12 PM
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