
Clergy Housing

Property emergency clergy/tenant repairs

Definition of Emergency: Blocked drains, Loss of heating / hot water, Electrical issues, smell of gas, fire, flood, frozen pipes, falling roof tiles, smashed window, main front door locks, burglar alarm activations, trees either fallen or with broken limbs causing a danger to the public or obstruction to a public highway or path, blocked flue to boiler or fire, roof leak, total loss of water supply.

For any emergency out of hours service please contact: -

Suspected gas leak-Call the Gas Emergency number on 0800 111 999 

Electricity-If you think your situation is dangerous, please stay away from the equipment and call UK Power Networks 24 hours a day on 0800 31 63 105

Baldwin Salter for plumbing/heating emergencies on 01304 226611

Capital Drainage for drainage emergencies on 01322 385533

Any other emergency please contact a local tradesperson, if possible, someone known to the parish or alternatively use a Check-A-Trade approved contractor

General Information on Clergy Housing

House File

Please maintain a file of all information relating to the property such as instruction booklets and energy suppliers etc. also any other information that may assist your successors.

TV & Broadband

The Diocese is not responsible for the provision of television aerials or satellite dishes, nor for the maintenance of any existing installations.

The Diocese is responsible for the provision of a telephone service to the property - but not for cabling within, nor for any broadband provision. Should you have any queries relating to the telephones service then please contact the helpdesk in the first instance.

Energy Suppliers

You are free to change to any supplier but please do not enter into any agreement that may be binding to your successors at the property. Details of your suppliers should be kept within a “House File” at the property please.


The Diocese maintains comprehensive building insurance cover for all of its properties – this does not extend to fixtures such as greenhouses and TV/satellite equipment. Any building insurance related matters should be reported to the helpdesk in the first instance.

Occupants are responsible for maintaining their own cover for contents - this should include third party cover for you and your family as occupants of the property.

Quinquennial Inspections

Find out about Quinquennial inspections on clergy housing.

Repairs and Maintenance

Access advice and support for maintaining and repairing clergy homes.


Vacancies and New Occupations

Handing on your property to those who follow.

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